I'm needing a little therapy right now. 98% of those of you reading this should probably move on to the next blog. This entry will not be cute, nor will it contain fun pictures. I should be going to bed. I'm exhausted. I have strep throat. I'm supposed to be getting up early, and the odds of me getting a good night's sleep tonight are slim to none. But I need a little therapy.
This week has been....not sure what word to use. I over use the word crazy. And I probably over use the word insane too. 'Busy' doesn't capture it. So, I'm not sure what word to use.
I have been grieving. I've probably grieved more than what is 'appropriate' for my relationship to the situation. But who decides that kind of thing? It doesn't matter really. The point is, I've been terribly sad. And grieving is very draining--emotionally and physically.
And then I had my women's small group, Potter's Clay this week. Blessing + Responsibility #1. Then I had a MOPS trip to Houston to see Beth Moore. I am a MOPS table leader this year, which is awesome, but another Blessing + Responsibility #2. This trip was a great point of renewal this week though. It was stressful organizing it, but I enjoyed it.
Then I got strep throat. Total bummer, but mild compared to life's ailments. It's just been frustrating to not be 100% while trying to take care of so many other things. Basically, I just don't have time to be sick. (that sounds so arrogant and pretentious....i don't mean it that way)
Then I had a MOPS meeting this morning, which I, of course, had to bring baked goods to. And then we had dance class. And then another flag football game. And now I am REALLY behind on preparing for mine and Dawson's 2nd Pre-marital Class tomorrow night (Blessing + Responsibility #3).
Of course, while this is all being juggled, I'm also training for a 5K. Yes, that's right....me.....running a 5K. Crazy, right?? NEVER did I imagine I could do something like this. But I haven't done it yet....still 2 more weeks of training to go. Another entry will be done solely about this adventure, I'm sure.
Plus, Adelyn is not sleeping well these days. And Ellie ends up in our bed most nights too. And our finances are a wreck, which of course, is so, so stressful. I HATE MONEY! Puke. Yuck. Gag me with a spoon.
Oh--and we are having a garage sale on Saturday. So, that'll be ridiculous....trying to get ready for that tomorrow, after we are done teaching our class! And then after the garage sale, we are supposed to drive out to Somerville to meet my parents and put on our happy faces to celebrate my Dad's birthday with them. AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Oddly, typing that does make me feel a little better. :)
Truthfully, instead of whining, I should be making a list of blessings. I have leaned on God hard this week. And He has been speaking some wonderful things to my heart. He keeps reminding me that our contentment and joy is mostly a matter of perspective. And even though I feel tired and overwhelmed by my life right now, I wouldn't have it any other way. My blessings don't just overflow my cup. They flood my life.
I am chin deep in a pool of blessings. I just need to stop frantically doggy-paddling, and just float. And breathe. Thank you God. Good therapy.