Friday, April 3, 2009

The difference between #1 and #3

Birth order is a somewhat interesting topic to me. I haven't read any books on it or anything (for the most part, I don't read books on parenting or kids, I just wait for my best friend, Missy, to read them, and then give me the highlights :), but I have had several conversations with other moms about it. I don't know if I buy into the concept that your birth order defines your personality, but I can definitely see the differences in my parenting and/or caretaking of my three children.
Examples--sad, but true:
1-When Caleb was a baby, we gave him a bath almost everyday. Adelyn is lucky to get a bath once a week!
2-Also, when Caleb was a baby, I took a picture of him with every new outfit he wore. With Adelyn, I have to try to remember to take pictures of her.
3-With Caleb, I boiled everything that went into his mouth. With Adelyn, I lick everything that goes in hers, and call it good.
4-With Caleb, I was deathly afraid of blankets. I always thought blankets would somehow jump on his face and suffocate him. Adelyn safely sleeps with blankets...the kind that can't jump.
5- With Caleb, I listened to everyone's advice and tried almost every suggestion. With Adelyn, I figure out what works for us and stick to that.
6-When I nursed Caleb, I was keenly aware of my boob sticking out, and did not feel comfortable doing it most places. With Adelyn, I could care less about my boob sticking out, and I just try to not offend anybody with it.
7-Also, when I nursed Caleb, I got out of bed for every nighttime feeding, and sat on the couch while I nursed him. With Adelyn, I put her into bed with me, for at least half of her nighttime feedings, and fall asleep while doing it.
8-When Caleb was a baby, I was sleep deprived, even though I got to nap with him sometimes during the day. Now, with Adelyn, I am beyond sleep deprived, and NAPS? What are those?? :)
9-When Caleb was a baby, I would hold him for hours, and I would sometimes set him in his swing or his bouncy chair just for his own stimulation, or because I needed to cook a quick meal. With Adelyn, that poor baby practically lives in her swing and bouncy chair. I have to deliberately make time to just sit down and hold her.
10-When Caleb was a newborn, I kept wishing for him to get a little older, so he would sleep more, communicate more, etc. With Adelyn, I recognize how incredibly fast their little lives go by, and I keep wishing that she would stay a 'newborn' for as long as possible.

So many differences. Sometimes I feel like each one of my kids has a different mother. Oh well! As long as they all three have the same Almighty God that can protect and provide for them, despite their mother's deficiencies, then I think they'll turn out alright. :)

Some recent photos...

My girls with their Nonny--they love her!!

Babes in Bluebonnets

Daddy and Addie just chillin'

My adorable little tee-baller


  1. That's adorable! I can see the differences in how I do things between 1 & 2...can't imagine thinking about 1 &!

  2. Such great words from a pro-mom. Thanks for your honesty!! Greg's mom has been here this first week so I've gotten to hold Judson all I want BUT next week is a different story. I'll remember to cherish each minute because they do fly by fast!
