Saturday, August 22, 2009

Not looking good....

Tonight Adelyn and I went to Hastings looking for the book, "The Kissing Hand," about a little racoon who goes to school. It's an awesome book that my friend, Sam told me about. Anyway, while I was there, I started looking at the other books and found one called, "Best Baby Ever." (SUPER awesome book, about your baby growing up and going off to school) And while I was sitting on the floor of the Children's section reading it, I started crying...and not a few tears falling softly, I mean, really crying! I'm thinking Monday morning could be very traumatic!?!


  1. Oh Michelle, I so get it! The feeling you are having is like none other. I have been going through some of the same things right now. I just keep reminding myself how much fun he is going to have. I am hoping the day goes by fast so I can rush back up and see how many exciting, fun things he got to do!

  2. Girl...I told you to just borrow ours! Maybe you are on to something. Hastings could start a "kindergarten moms" club support group where we could each comfort and be there for one another on the day our sweet babies start school!

  3. Did you find the book? We have it and love it. Evan didn't need it this year, but I am glad you reminded me to pull it out for Joel. He starts Mother's Day Out next week and I think he will need it!

    How did you do today?!?
