Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm an addict.

Since blogs are a good place for therapy.....because they're so private and confidential, I've decided that it's time for a confessional. It's time to admit that I am an addict. They say that admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. So I now openly admit that I, Michelle Skow, am addicted to chocolate. I know, shameful, right? Are you shocked?? It's a little scary to realize the power this substance has over me. Like tonight, when Caleb accidentally kicked over our "picnic table"--splattering our chinese food and drinks ALL OVER the dining room floor, and the baby was SCREAMING in the background--because she had another exploding dirty diaper, and Ellie was crying and calling for me from the backyard--all I could think about was, "WHERE IS SOME CHOCOLATE?!?" Like anyone on a 12 Step program, I try not to keep any of my drug in the house, but I went scavenging through my pantry, cabinets, etc. looking for some kind of chocolate to help ease the stress, anxiety, and overall craziness that is my life. I ended up finding some old, dark chocolate something on top of the fridge...and yes, I ate it! And amazingly enough, it made me feel better. I don't know if this kind of dependency is normal, but I had to laugh at myself after this crazy episode. Chocolate is just a magical thing for me. The only other physical substance that has this power in my life is Sonic drinks. But as many of us know, I've found that even more effective than chocolate or Sonic is prayer! I just have to work at making that my first line of defense every time. Prayer is so much more comforting, and it's fat free! :)

Now, to share some pictures from our CRAZY photo shoot at Sears this past weekend. Thankfully, some of the pictures turned out great....obviously because of the precious kids in the photos!


  1. oh, i'm so with you. chocolate and sonic drinks....and prayer. :-) and i've had many of those kinds of days lately. being mom to more than one child (one of those being a toddler) is TOUGH! oh my goodness. i work so hard. i know you do too. hang in there!!

  2. Hang in there...and after prayer, give in to the indulgence that is a route 44 drink. My drink of choice, that I can no longer have, was a vanilla dr. pepper. Hmm...the memories. *grin*

  3. Your kiddos are so cute! I love the pictures! AND I have a confession too...I am addicted to chocolate as well. It's true...

  4. Ahh...Sonic. I miss it so much. Not too many Sonics up here because the weather isn't conducive but they just opened one by my in-laws' good of reason as any to go visit. :)

  5. I think that your pictures turned out so good. I know how hard it is to get all of the kids smiling all at the same time and you all not only did that, but they all look so cute. My favorite one is the one with Caleb up side down, I love that idea!! :)
