Monday, February 23, 2009

Induction Day!!

5 hours and 51 minutes...that's how much longer I have until I'm supposed to admit myself into St. Joseph's hospital tonight for induction. Wow. I can't believe the day is actually here. It seems like I've waited FOREVER for this day to get here, and now that it is here, I almost can't believe it's happening. It's definitely one of those surreal, twilight zone kind of days. After waking up this morning, and realizing another night had come and gone with no baby action, I tried to explain to Dawson how I was feeling. I had to admit that my first feeling was of disappointment, that I couldn't get this baby out on my own, or that it couldn't have been a 'surprise'. But after all of the praying and begging God to bring her early, there must be a reason He's waited until now, and I trust Him. I told Dawson that waking up on 'induction days' is kind of like when you wake up on your wedding day--except usually your wedding day doesn't include excruciating pain and lots of nasty bodily fluids. And there's also usually not as much of the 'fear of the unknown'. But these days almost supercede the wedding day feeling of excitement---knowing you are bringing another whole person, another miraculous life into the world. Wow--what a privilege. Knowing that I am going to meet my life-long daughter tonight or tomorrow morning is pretty awesome. I just hope she's cool! :)

Up until now, the day has been pretty enjoyable. It has included play time- accompanied by extra hugs and kisses-with the kids, pre-baby interviews on video-tape (a tradition we started before Caleb was born) and a Sonic drink, which helps/soothes/celebrates any emotional occasion. :) Now, it's time to begin completing the 'to do list' before night--re-packing the hospital bag that I optimistically packed two weeks ago, dusting, making a contact list, etc.

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for us and this baby. It means so much to me to have friends who cover us in prayer. We ask you to continue to pray for us for just a little bit longer--for an easy delivery, a healthy baby, and a smooth transition for our other two little angels. And I'll keep you way or another. :)


  1. Good luck --- you have been in my thoughts and prayers today and will continue to be so throughout the next few days. I can relate to so many of the feelings you described in your post. Do not worry, you know she is going to be super cool, just like her big brother and soon to be big sister. Hang in there and we can not wait to meet your new baby daughter!!!

  2. Wow...what elegant words to decribe this amazing gift that God has given us Mamas. We are so excited to meet new little Miss and will continue to pray for your sweet and SUPER COOL family! How can she not be cool? Love you guys and see you soon to meet the new Skow baby girl!

  3. lol I love the cartoon...

    I can't wait to hear your words of how the experience was. sorry we didn't come to the hospital, Justin had a 5-day business trip so I would have had to bring all the kidlets. Then I got a cold, and didn't want to bring my germs to see you. I thought you might not mind.

    I will let you know when I get your dish filled back up with a meal you can stick in your freezer for one of those days when none of the leftovers is inspiring.

    lots of love, and can't wait to meet the newest member of the gang.

    girl power!
