Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A small light at the end of a very LONG tunnel

So, I had my official "36 week" (even though, that's rounding up a couple of days) OB appointment today. I have been praying for this appointment for awhile. I've been very anxious to hear if my body was making any progress toward labor and GETTING THIS BABY OUT! And, my doctor had promised we would discuss induction dates today as well. But my prayers have been for God's peace, and contentment, and just help in trusting God's plan and timing for this precious baby's arrival.

WELL, I must confess that the appointment did not go AT ALL how I had hoped. Dawson was supposed to be there with me, but he had to leave early in order to make it to church for our Wednesday night worship service. So, when he left before I even got in to see the doctor, that was the first time I cried. And then, when my OB told me I was 'barely dialated and my cervix was still pretty thick', I wanted to cry again. This was after she had already measured my tummy, and said that the baby is still measuring two weeks ahead of schedule, and that she feels like the baby's probably over 7 lbs already!!

Through all of this though, I was still holding out for the induction date discussion, hoping beyond hope that it would be ASAP--like tomorrow. Then she says, "well I hate to do anything earlier than 10 days ahead of the due date"--aka-not tomorrow. She was going to let me leave without even setting a date because of some silly coordination of schedules, BUT thanks to a kind and merciful nurse who stayed late and contacted the hospital for me while I watched the stupid, cheesy epidural video for the 15th time, I left with my little light at the end of my tunnel. I will be officially induced on Tuesday, February 24th. (twenty LONG days from today!!) But at least there is an end in sight AND I'm still hoping and praying that I will get to go into spontaneous labor before then. And if you love me, please, I beg you to pray for that too! Maybe if God hears the request enough times, He will have mercy on me! :) Now the countdown begins!


  1. How frustrating, exciting, overwhelming, etc! I am glad that you have a date, and I will be praying for you! Please keep us posted.

  2. start with all of those home remedies, girlie - just AVOID the caster oil one... :-)

  3. Walk...walk...walk! That is what my ob/gyn nurses told me. Also, I know that this is minimal at this time, but the 24th is Josh's birthday...and it has served him well! We'll be praying!

  4. I have to agree on the walking. and you may just want to have some of that castor oil handy just in case you get desperate... it may be gross, but if it works, maybe it's worth it?
