Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Things are a changin'

The purpose of this here blog is multi-dimensional. I want to have a blog so I can keep a digital/indestructible (?) family album for us. I also like blogging because I love words. I think words are powerful. They connect people. They have to power to encourage and lift up. And I also blog because it is cheap therapy. It's like writing in a journal, but this way I feel like I am "really talking" to somebody, a mute, ever-listening somebody...much like I imagine a therapist to be. :)

But this is the deal....our Skow Hacienda blog is public. And I can tell by my 'stats' that people from all over have read and looked at our blog. It's actually pretty cool to know that people from Germany, Russia, Nigeria, Japan, etc. have found us. I choose to think that these people are checking out different posts to see our American-Texan life, or other cool, culturally exchangeable things. (Because "bad people" wouldn't look at our blog....I'm sure of that.) Anyway, the point is that I don't know who is reading this stuff. So for the sake of my stream-of-consciousness therapy, I think I'm going to start a new blog. A private blog. The only thing awkward about that is that I don't know who to invite to my private blog.....It seems pretty egotistical to "invite" friends to your brain-puke blog, right?! With no promise of cutesy pictures and tales of the kids?! I don't know.

I will definitely continue to post on this blog....our family's adventures and favorite pictures. So for those of you trying to keep up with those crazy little red-heads, there are no worries.

And if by some weird chance you are interested in reading my thoughts about the ups and downs of mommy craziness, attempts at being a God-follower, and all the other challenges and victories that come along with being a wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend and borderline loon...let me know and I'll invite you to the inner circle! :)


  1. I love being able to keep up with you guys through your blog.....And would love to keep reading your new blog!

    Hope thing are going well for you guys!

  2. I have enjoyed those types of posts, too, so add me to that list!

  3. I want to be included! aggiebeth2002@gmail.com
