Monday, March 1, 2010

My darling Ellie

I just wanted to write down a few interesting conversations/words from Ellie recently....

Yesterday, as she was sitting in time out on her bed....for the 53rd time in just a couple of days. She was crying and screaming, and yelling out some phrase over and over. So, I went to check on her, and I asked her what she was saying. She slowly and loudly said, "Dis is widikwius! Dis is widikwius!" (this is ridiculous!) :)

A few days ago, she was talking to me about her fake set of grandparents again. She has two real sets, Nonny and Poppy, and Meemaw and Pawpaw. But after reading a library book a few months ago, she also wanted a "Grandma" and a "Grandpa" she just made them up. And they intervene in our lives at very convenient times. Like sometimes I'll ask her why she is doing something she knows is wrong, and she'll tell me, "Because my grandpa said I could." Well, this time, she told me that her fake grandparents and her went on a trip to heaven. I thought this was interesting. So, I asked her what is was like and what did they do there. She said, "It was very bootiful, and I got a butterfly necklace, and fairy wings." ?!? No real mention of Jesus...just butterfly necklaces! :)

She is such a fireball. I love it! And I love her!!
Her natural pose! :)

Her "sweet face" :)


  1. She cracks me up......and since I have told you in person this comment before I thought that I would go ahead and write it ....especially this time....I think that you have met your match with that sweet little girl! I love her and her imagination!

  2. Fake creative. She sounds like a riot!!
