Earlier today, I told Dawson, as I was handling another glorious bathroom situation with Adelyn, that when I applied for this job, I don't remember the job description accurately depicting all of the different requirements of the position, nor clearly stating the necessary skills needed to succeed in this work environment.
Being a "Work at home, with your crazy kids and messy house, Mom" is the coolest, most rewarding job there is. But I think to be really successful at it, requires some skill sets that I am honestly lacking in. Like having an extraordinary, supernatural, mammoth-sized amount of patience!?!? Before having Adelyn Lively Skow, I never knew a person could ever require so much patience. And THEN, I still have to have some left over for Ellie and Caleb, and maybe even Dawson!! And let's be honest, anyone else beyond those four better just get out of my way OR ELSE because there ain't much left at the end of the day!
I know that patience is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. But God, if you are reading this, I need some major fertilizer or something to cultivate some more fruit on that side of the tree!!! (Although, I do seem to already have an abundant supply of BS in my life already.....couldn't resist!?! :)
What mom couldn't use more patience? :). I'll be praying for you.