Monday, September 8, 2008

God Bless Burger King

O.K--so we are officially now on the "one income budget" and well, it sucks. It basically means we can only afford the bare necessities(and of course, by 'necessities', I mean cell phones, cable, internet and a variety of groceries--so I completely recognize that these aren't really necessities and i should just spend some time in Uganda or Haiti and I would have a much different perspective....but I'm speaking of "American middle-class necessities") anyway, and so this means no eating out or trips to Target. I have had a little bit of a hard time adjusting to this way of life, but at least I have been trying. Of course, until yesterday. Now, I have completely justified myself because I believe that pregnancy cravings should trump any and all logical thinking. Right? If you want a large bowl of ice cream for breakfast, then you should have it. Or, if your craving fast food, then it's o.k. to spend money reserved for your utility bill. :) So, I had been craving a yummy, greasy hamburger for days. And I had overlooked this craving for many meals, and instead eaten the leftovers in the fridge, or the can of refried beans in the pantry. But by Sunday strength had dwindled and I found myself driving to Burger King. I had NEVER eaten a burger from this place, mainly because I didn't grow up with Burger King, so I just always opted for Sonic of McD's. But oh my gosh....Burger King has changed my life!!! If you haven't already, you have got to go out NOW and buy their new Steakhouse burger. It is life-changing! It was soooo good!!! So, I know this may be the pregnancy hormones talking (or typing) but I'm trying to tell you this is the best burger ever. God bless Burger King!

1 comment:

  1. How is it that you have never had a Burger King burger until you were almost 30?
