Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Little Soccer Stud

We have officially started our first team sport--soccer!! Before becoming a mom, I never realized how momentous this occasion would be. For some weird reason, it's so exciting to see your little baby out there--being part of a team, and playing his little heart out. It's also a little intimidating to be entering "that world" of competition, and time commitments, and potentially crazy parents. Thankfully, we are on a great little team, whose coach is a long-time friend of ours. Caleb's little team is called "The Sharks" and two of his teammates are little friends of his, which makes it even more fun.

I must say that so far, Caleb has done great with this new sport. He has 'played' soccer for a long time with us in the front yard, and so is pretty familiar with the ball. And thankfully, he seems to have inherited his father's natural athletic ability, not his mother's complete LACK of athletic ability. However, I will take credit for his superior dancing skills. :) Here are some of the pictures from his first game this past Saturday...

Shark #3 is ready to rock!

We spent a lot more time at their goal, then they did at ours. :)

Mr. Cool had his shades on for most of the game. :)

And Daddy has LOVED being an 'unofficial assistant coach' and Caleb loves having him out there with him!


  1. Yea Caleb! What a cutie! I hope he enjoys it.

  2. I am loving that he played in that is Hollywood for ya!

  3. too cute. i can't stand it. as Maren says about all cute things: i want to dunk him in my coffee and eat him all up.

  4. By "dance moves" are you referring to that thing you did all through college with the other ABSers. Oh, what was it called...oh, ya "Big Booty". I sincerely hope that you have not subjected your little guy to that!
