Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So proud of Caleb Wayne!

Caleb had his first basketball game last night. He is on the Timberwolves team and Dawson is the head coach. It has been so fun for both of them!

Caleb is probably the 2nd best player on the team....I don't want to brag, but I'm just callin' it how I see it. :) For a 6 year old, he can dribble, pass and shoot pretty good. And his little friend from church, who is also on our team, is super good. So, with the combo of them and the other talented little guys on our team, they won 34-5 last night. It was so fun watching them, and cheering them on. Basketball is definitely my favorite sport to watch, and its even more enjoyable when I get to watch my favorite boy playing it.

But the moments I was the most proud of my sweet little red-head last night, had nothing to do with his basketball skills. Toward the beginning of the game, one of the little boys on our team starting crying on the court. ( you gotta love Pre-K/K sports!!) He was upset that he wasn't getting the ball. Dawson was trying to encourage the boy from the sideline, but it wasn't until Caleb walked up to him and put his arm around him to tell him it was going to be o.k., that he finally stopped crying and got back in the game. It was so awesome! I couldn't have been prouder. And then a little later in the game, Caleb rebounded the ball, took it all the way down the court to just underneath their basket, but then stopped and handed it to a little boy right next to him, and said "here you go--you can shoot it!" It was the sweetest thing! Of course, the ref called it illegal passing or something like that, and the other team got the ball.....but the sentiment was what counted.

Sometimes I am just overwhelmed with the tender heart that God has blessed my son with. My prayer is just that he can stay that way, and that the world won't jade him, and desensitize that beautiful heart.

Some pictures from the big, first game....

Caleb was so excited that it was his turn to get the jump ball....

Not sure what Caleb is doing in this picture....looking like he's going to have a Mary Kathryn moment. :)
Sweet moment between aunt and neice. Tracy is so good with her!

Congratulations all around. Both teams played their little hearts out!


  1. I love it! He sounds like such a sweet young man! And...Happy belated birthday to him!

  2. Caleb is absolutely precious! Hope the team has a good season.

  3. Congrats to Caleb on a wonderful game. He is such a natural athlete. I know you are so proud of him, as you should be! :)
