Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Changing so fast....

That's what I feel like right now. I feel like our kids-our babies-are changing and growing up so fast. We are now 20 days and counting until Kindergarten starts! Wow--I might need to start taking small doses of valium now. :) The other big development in Caleb's life is that he started riding his bike without his training wheels this past weekend. It was actually a small, biking miracle. Picture the scene from Forest Gump, where he starts running and the braces just fall off of his legs. It was kinda like that. Caleb was riding around our cul-de-sac, and one of his training wheels fell off. ....but he didn't fall over. Then he just took the other one off, and away he went. He was so proud of himself, and we were too. He immediately then started to try to do tricks, and "pop wheelies." :)

Ellie is also now officially a "Big Girl". She has gone 8 days now in panties, and has only had one little accident. Pretty impressive, I'd say. The first couple of days were a struggle...I think I shared some of my frustrations about having to take her to the potty 562 times a day, but she has gotten to where she goes by herself now. However, half the time, she still needs an audience to come in after she does her business and celebrate whatever surprise the potty holds. :)

Our new "potty world" has brought many new experiences lately. And the other day, all 5 of us were going somewhere, and Ellie announces she has to go "BAD". So, we immediately pull over the side of the road (which was the frontage road of Hwy 6). We've always called road-side bathroom trips, "going like an indian." I know--not politically correct, but I have quite a bit of American Indian heritage, and I'm not offended. Anyway, I squatted down in the 110 degree heat, holding my sweet daughter up as she squatted to go tee-tee in the grass, and she says "My like going potty like an Aggie!" :) Close enough.

And my sweet Adelyn just graduated into her big girl car seat! It's a bittersweet promotion. I was just about getting a hernia every time I had to haul that carrier around with her in it, but she's also not as portable now. I hate having to wake her up every time I have to get her out of the carseat! But she's growing up! :)

So...I know these things are not super exciting, as far as the real world goes. But they are all major milestones in our world. Here are some pictures of our growing babies...


  1. i love the potty like an aggie comment! classic! also, i just noticed your profile pic for the first time...i think it's perfect for a mommy of 3....at the beach, but you still have a baby in your arms...and yet you look happier than ever! :-)

  2. Way to go Skow kiddos!! Can't wait to see you tomorrow.

  3. Wow! Those are BIG milestones!!!
